Hrvoje Kapelina Art

About Hrvoje Lorenzo Kapelina
The career of Hrvoje Kapelina has been determined by an extremely wish and need to paint. Like many other self-taught painters, unfettered and free of all rules and techniques imposed by eventual schools, he had to face many dilemmas and traps.
Apart from the strong wish to create, his success is due to the unquestionable talent and to the great energy he invested in order to acquire and perfect different techniques. Looking for his personal, individual style, he taught from those painters who gave preference to a drawing.

His realistic appurtenance is conditioned by the beauty and the harmony of his homeland and the Mediterranean in general, which, by its greatness, almost dictate copying. Kapelina skillfully eludes to fall into the temptation of the blind imitation of nature and therefore, his paintings, with recognizable motives and details, are not the pure copy but the true, intimate impression of the landscape.

Sometimes, Kapelina’s drawing is like a guide who reveals us unknown details of known places. Certain vignettes of the town itself, olive-groves or seascapes, Kapelina would make enigmatic, mysterious by his specific coloring.

Kapelina’s paintings art the synthesis of persuasive drawing, convincing and firm composition and airy watercolor which give them softness and charm that enchant. Very special is the cycle of pastel paintings where the painter opts for different, almost mystic atmosphere, stressed by the dark background and special light effects.

In these last years, oils on canvases are not a rarity in Hrvoje Kapelina’s opus. These paintings wear all the characteristics of his individual style: convincing composition stressed contour and unreal coloring.

The azure coat of paint brings to his canvases and extraordinary atmosphere.
Hrvoje Kapelina is a painter of great energy and his approach to painting is always a new challenge when facing new motives or technical possibilities.
Popular Routes: Split to Korcula, Korcula to Split, Dubrovnik to Korcula, Korcula to Dubrovnik

The sincerity and force of his artistic impression attract the attention of the local and international public. His works of art have found a place in numerous collections all over the world, reminding their owners of the sunny South and of the nice journey.
( Lucija Oresic, prof. )

Art Gallery Location
Art Gallery Hrvoje Kapelina is located in the very heart of Korcula Old Town, on its main square, right next to Korcula Town Museum and Cathedral Sveti Marko.

Art Gallery : Hrvoje L. Kapelina, Trg Svetog Marka, Korcula Old Town , Korcula – Croatia
Contact Hrvoje L. Kapelina
Biline 33, Punta Jurana, 20260 Korcula Croatia