Binocular Views from Korcula hills
You are headed to Korcula, one of Croatia’s most dazzling islands where you can catch amazing views of the surrounding archipelagos and seascapes.
Make the most of your holiday by hiking to surrounding hills, exploring historic landmarks in the island’s towns and villages and learning about the area’s rich history and nature.
You might want to pack a pair of binoculars, just in case. If you bring with you a simple binocular, here are some of the detailed views you can see from the top of the Korcula hills and viewpoints :

All of the above photos are taken from the north side of the island, facing Peljesac and Croatian mainland.
Note: It’s worth exploring the different types of binoculars for sale as not all are created equal. You don’t want to end up with an extraordinarily weak pair, nor a pair too heavy to hike with.
I have simple Nikon binocular that is light and compact and offers some great features.
If you need help on choosing a pair of binoculars, Google for some helpful articles with a variety of binocular brands and get yourself the most suitable one.
Popular Routes: Split to Korcula, Korcula to Split, Dubrovnik to Korcula, Korcula to Dubrovnik